Introducing: Tea & Crayons Illustration Collective!

Very exciting news; I am pleased to announce that I, along with 5 other lovely ladies, have formed the new illustration collective, Tea & Crayons.
It’s been very exciting, and at the moment, we are very fledgling, but we’re hoping to use the collective as support for all of us as we further our illustration careers, as well as a platform to showcase our work, and organise exhibitions and promotional material together!
We've kicked off with weekly illustration themes; this week we've challenged ourselves to illustrate 'Snacks'. We're also embarking on a touring sketchbook project; sending it round to each of us and filling it with doodles, sketches and goodness!
Contributors are:
Very excited to be working with these girls; even though we are from all corners of the UK, we all share a similar aesthetic and goals. We’re hoping to take the pressure off each other by creating a network of creative (and probably emotional!) support so we can get achieve our goals!
Click here to visit our blog – and don’t forget to subscribe, and follow us on twitter too!
My introduction can be seen here – but check back everyday for frequent news from us!

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