Happy Halloween

Here's an illustration I did for HappyReading.org for a poem called My Pet Bat. Happy Halloween!

Tikin' Awesome! | Mike's HARDER

Illustration proposal I did for Mike’s HARDER for a limited edition drink called Passion Fruit. I really like how this one came out, but for some reason they decided to go in another direction.


Here's a little preview of my upcoming children's book Short Pump Bump.

Mash-up: Calvin and Hobbes

TBT: An old mashup I did with Calvin and Hobbes as Batman and Robin.


Here’s a little something I did initially for the 21 Day Drawing Challenge by Von Glitschka (Day 6: Get Cubistic). I really liked how the drawing came out and thought it would be another great opportunity for me to play around with the Megapack set of Photoshop brushes from the awesome Kyle T. Webster.


Did this little Viking after picking up the Megapack of Photoshop brushes from Kyle T. Webster. Well-worth the minor investment for all the fun you'll have getting natural media effects into your digital work! You check out the Megapack and other amazing brush sets here: https://www.kylebrush.com/

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