Love and Hate

For my latest Gardeners' World illustration I was asked to depict our illogical preference for one animal over the next.  A flock of doves is a beautiful thing, but a woodpigeon, a grey squirrel or rabbit are often considered pests and not enjoyed to the same degree.  Perhaps it is what they do that is the problem rather than what they look like?

</span>Gardeners' World Magazine March 2013 by ardillustration<span class=

Night Flight

A painting inspired by a song...

Night Flight by ardillustration

Cover art for C-ville Weekly

Happy New Year! 2013 is off to an auspicious start for me already with my first cover for C-ville hitting the stands today.    It's my first cover for anything available locally like this, and it's really cool to drive around town and see my artwork everywhere! This is a slight departure from my usual work, but the art director wanted to avoid using any gun imagery after the recent shootings in New Haven. When we met, he had already worked out the idea of a cave painting and showing the women from the article with bows and arrows.

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