Cupcake swarm

I've not posted anything on here in ages so here is something I did for Illustration Friday: the theme is "swarm". Enjoy!

Falling Cubes - Cinema 4D

Getting more and more into the world of Motion Graphis and animations, here is something I did after seeing a similar execution on a blog, wanted to figure out how to do it :)

Flik Hall for Amelia's Magazine

Steampunk Aphrodite

Done for's Character of the Week contest.

New Website

I would like to announce that I have a brand spanking new website: Give it a gander and let me know what you think when you have a free moment.

Cinema 4D intro

Here is a documentary intro animation I created using Cinema 4D

Waiting for Leo

One morning in the spring of 2010 I was in the Museum Quarter of Vienna waiting for the Leopold Museum to open. On a bench nearby, a splash of colour surrounded by dull stone, was a girl asleep. As soon as I saw her I knew I had to paint her. I took several photographs from different angles, moving around quietly as to not disturb her.
I have no idea who the girl is. I went into the gallery and didn't see her inside and she was gone when I came out. Maybe Leo arrived.

'Waiting for Leo'
Painted in oils on wooden panel 450mm x 660mm

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